Hendrickson Truck Parts Catalog

Progressive and Auxiliary Load Springs


Load Spring Service Kits



Kit No. 60961-745 One Side

Kit No. 60961-747 Tandem Conversion Kit 2 Progressive Load Springs 6 ½" x 2¼" Flange Bolts 6 ½" Flange Nuts Kit No. 60961-746 Weight Bias Kit with Shims 1 Progressive Load Spring 1 Auxiliary Load Spring 2 Load Spring Shims 10 ½" x 2¼" Flange Bolts 10 ½" Flange Nuts

1 Progressive Load Spring 3 ½" x 2¼" Flange Bolts 3 ½" Flange Nuts

Kit No. 64179-004 One Side (for vehicles built prior to 7/15/2014) 1 Auxiliary Load Spring 3 ½" x 2¼" Flange Bolts 3 ½" Flange Nuts

Unloaded Height 3 3 / 8 " Normal 3" Minimum Part No. 60314-000, One Side 1 Auxiliary Load Spring

Unloaded Height 4¼" Normal 3" Minimum

HAULMAAX Literature Number 48422-590

HAULMAAX • HN Gauges ■ Hendrickson HAULMAAX Gauge

(Lit. No. 48422‑590) is available to help measure the progressive load spring minimum height to be used with an 3 ⁄ 8 " extension. ■ Hendrickson HAULMAAX • HN Gauge (Lit. No. 48422‑546) is available to help measure bolster springs for cut or splits and bonding separation and also is used to measure the height of the progressive load springs. Both gauges are available free of charge. Order online at: www.hendrickson-intl.com/litform

HAULMAAX • HN Literature Number 48422-546

NOTE: Always inspect the entire suspension for loose or worn parts and replace components as necessary with customer consent. To ensure proper operation, Hendrickson recommends to use only Hendrickson genuine load springs. See more details in Hendrickson Technical Publications (HAULMAAX 17730‑244) and (HN 17730‑227) available online at www.hendrickson-intl.com


Reference Lit. No. 45745-357 | 1-866-755-5968

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